
Lucullus Automation Training

Two Days Course - November 27-28, 2024, Netherlands




NOV 27-28, 2024


Securecell BV
Biopartner 5, Limes 7, 2342 DH Oegstgeest, The Netherlands


2000 CHF/Person


For any questions, please contact us


Mohi Ahmadinia
Academy Coordinator/Marketing Manager

Course Overview :

The Lucullus® Automation Training program takes experienced users to the next level by going in depth on several advanced features that Lucullus® has to offer.
The main focus will be on optimizing workflows through process automation. Like the Basic Lucullus® Training, the Lucullus® Automation Training combines various means of training people to achieve an optimal result: theoretical training (demonstrations), personal interaction with experienced trainers, and practical training in the form of exercises and access to state-of-the-art Online content.

Key takeaways:

  • Creating instruction sequences for simple or complex processes and using them repeatedly within multiple processes.
  • Integrating sequential calculations in your instructions based on time and/or process events.
  • Managing interactions between the operator and Lucullus in a user-friendly manner.
  • Receiving notifications, emails, or SMS alarms in case critical process parameters deviate from your predefined limits.

Key topics:

  • Advanced configuration: creating more complex bioreactor systems, creating and modifying devices, sub-devices, ports, phases, units, and attributes.
  • Process automation: using Logical Devices, the System Device, programming algorithms using Steps and Transitions, configuring alarms, defining Attribute and Value sets
  • Testing complex Operations: syntax error check, monitoring calculated parameters in tables, graphs and the port control table, troubleshooting Step Chains

What is Included:

  • Online access to all theoretical material used during the course
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Dinner with Securecell training team

How to register:

To register, kindly fill out the provided form. Our team will be in touch with you shortly via email about the payment process.

If you wish to register for a group of people, please specify the number of participants in the registration form.

We offer a special 50% discount for university students. Please make sure to indicate your student status when filling out the registration form. Additionally, submission of your Student ID is required for verification purposes.


NOV 27-28, 2024


9:00 AM - 17:00 PM CEST


Securecell BV
Biopartner 5, Limes 7, 2342 DH Oegstgeest, The Netherlands

Vector (2)
Biopartner 5 - map


2000 Euro/Person

Vector (2)


For any questions, please contact us


Mohi Ahmadinia
Academy Coordinator/Marketing Manager

Our Training Team


Manuel Cantero Torrecilla
Bioprocess Application Specialist

Rowin Timmermans
Bioprocess Application Specialist Lucullus
Marco Gees
Bioprocess Application Specialist Lucullus